Wednesday, October 24, 2012

31 for 21 What If Wednesday: RESPECT

What if everyone was taught to treat people with intellectual disabilities as THINKING people who deserve RESPECT?

We wouldn't live in a world where calling someone the R-word is the go-to insult for anyone we don't like, or anyone we think is doing something stupid.

We wouldn't have to deal with constantly asking people to stop using R-word insults.

Most people still use the R-word casually because they are ignorant of its deeply felt offensiveness.  And when people in the public eye are asked to apologize, most do.  Unfortunately some people stand by their use of the R-word and don't feel bad at all.  I think some people feel okay using the R-word as an insult because they don't consider those with intellectual disabilities worthy of respect.

Ann Coulter is the current offender, repeatedly using the R-word on Twitter for shock value.

A self-advocate (a 30-year-old man with Down syndrome) responds to the controversy with a well-said open letter:

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